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About Us

Our staff works tirelessly to prevent childhood injuries and deaths.


Our organization is a dedicated to helping families and communities keep kids safe from injuries.  For 30 years, the Center for Childhood Safety has been a "vaccine" against accidental childhood injury.  CCS's mission is to be the leading source of safety education and programming in Northeast Wisconsin, dedicated to preventing and eliminating childhood injury.  Each year more than 6.5 million young people are injured severely enough to land in a hospital emergency room, many with life-altering consequences. Yet, an astounding 90% of these could have been avoided through education and prevention measures like those offered through the Center for Childhood Safety (CCS). 


"If a disease were killing our children at the rate of unintentional injury, the public would be outraged and demand this killer be stopped."
- Former Surgeon General, C. Everett Koop

Meet the team

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Kimberly Hess

Executive Director

Bailee Kraning
Program Coordiantor

Christel Weinaug
Community Relations Coordinator

Meet Our Board of Directors

Nicole Boldt, Treasurer

Director of Finance, Woodside Senior Communities


Brian Bye, MD 

Pediatric Orthopedic Surgeon, Prevea Health


JT Crosby 

Financial Advisor, Nicolet Wealth


Vicki Fabry

President, Fabry Saranac Glove


Kimberly Hess

Executive Director, Center for Childhood Safety


Kate Hess

Executive Director, Autism Society of Greater Wisconsin



Lisa Hutto, Secretary

Community Volunteer


Joshua Koch, President

Lawyer, Conway, Olejniczak& Jerry, S. C.


Gwendolyn Luscavage

Director - Field Loss Control, Acuity


Jeff Martinson

Lawyer, Martinson Law Offices


Josh Rankin, MD
Pediatrician, Prevea Health


Heidi Warpinski, Past President

Director for Pediatrics and Palliative Care Services, Unity



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