Lawnmower & Snowblower Safety
Lawn-mowing and snow-blowing are necessary if you own property. Both tasks can be very dangerous, so it's important to always use safe practices.
Lawnmower Safety
Keep kids off the lawn while mowing and pick up all toys before mowing.
Clear the area of stones, sticks, and other objects that could get thrown by the mower.
Avoid mowing backwards unless absolutely necessary.
Wear closed-toe shoes and avoid loose clothing that could get caught. Ear and eye protection is also a good idea.
Ensure your mower is in good condition before you start. Attach all safety equipment properly, such as protective guards and shields.
Avoid mowing during a thunderstorm, when the grass is wet, or if it is too dark to see.
If your lawn mower is electric, use a ground fault circuit interrupter to prevent electric shock.
Children should not operate a walk-behind/hand mower until 12 years old and riding mowers until 16 years old.
Once children are old enough to learn how to operate the mower, take time to show them how to safely mow. Continue to supervise when they use the mower until you are certain they can safely complete the task alone.

In 2012, more than 3,300 people visited emergency rooms due to snow blower injuries. More than half were finger injuries, including amputations.
Snowblower Safety
Do not let children operate snow blowers. Keep all people and pets inside or as far away from the area you are snow blowing as possible.
Before it snows, remove any objects that could damage or clog the snow blower from the area you will clear.
Wear boots and close-fitting clothing that will not get trapped in the moving parts of the snow blower. Avoid wearing long, loose scarves, jackets, and pants.
Wear earplugs or other hearing protection.
Keep yourself visible. Add reflective tape to your snow blower and jacket and use the headlights on your snow blower if available.
Never put your hands near moving parts or in the auger or chute.
If the blower gets clogged, use either a cleaning tool that came with it or another stiff object like a broom.
Always be aware of your surroundings and adjust the aim of the blower to avoid cars or people. Do not let anyone stand in front of the blower while it is in use.