Field Trips

Programs are available Monday through Friday from 8:30am to 3:00pm. Center for Childhood Safety can not schedule field trips during the months of June through August. A minimum of 10 students is required for 2 hours of programming. Reservations for programs must be made at least two weeks in advance of your program date. Your reservation should be made for the maximum number of youth and adults expected. Actual attendance will be noted upon arrival, and fees will be charged accordingly.
Youth: $8.00+
Required Adults: Free*
Additional Adults: $5.00
*In accordance with state law, one adult is required for every four students. Chaperones are identified as individuals 18+ years in age.
Students will learn the difference between a trusted adult and a stranger. They will also learn strategies to keep themselves safe from strangers and will practice these tactics in the classroom.
Safe Stranger
Students will learn how to be safe pedestrians and drivers by practicing skills taught in the classroom on the streets of Safety Town. Students will learn to safely cross at crosswalks, follow traffic signs and signals, and more.
Pedestrian Safety
Students will learn about poisons and how dangerous objects can sometimes be disguised as safe things to eat and drink. Students will also learn the importance of not eating things without asking an adult
Poison Safety
Students will learn about car seat safety and buckling up. The importance of a 5 point harness or a booster seat and how long to stay in a booster seat.
Car Seat Safety
Students will learn about various general home safety topics including kitchen, bathroom, toy, poison, pet, and more by touring our safety trailer outfitted with safe and unsafe situations.
Home Alone
Pedestrian Safety
Students will learn how to be safe pedestrians and drivers by practicing skills taught in the classroom on the streets of Safety Town. Students will learn to safely cross at crosswalks, follow traffic signs and signals, and more.
Emergency Safety
Students will learn about dialing 9-1-1: when to dial it, how to dial it, and what information they will need to tell the dispatcher. They will also learn about fire safety and how to prepare for emergency situations.
Car Seat Safety
Students will learn about car seat safety and buckling up. The “Little Convincer” will be used to demonstrate to students what happens when they do not wear their seatbelt.
Students will learn about being safe online and how to distinguish the type of information that is safe to give online. They will also discuss safe websites.
Internet Safety
Home Alone
Students will learn about various general home safety topics including kitchen, bathroom, toy, poison, pet, and more by touring our safety trailer outfitted with safe and unsafe situations.
Students will learn the importance of hydration and stretching for sport activities. They will also learn about concussions and how to prevent them.
Sports Safety
Students will learn about the importance of buckling up in a vehicle. They will also learn about safe driving practices and how to be a safe passenger.