
Safety Town
Safety Town is a one week, summer safety camp where four through ten-year-olds learn safety procedures through their own involvement. Under the guidance of a licensed teacher, students work in teen-led small groups to practice and experience "real life" situations before they are confronted with them on their own. This program offers children a classroom segment, as well as a hands-on experience on the streets of the specially designed, child-sized "Safety Town."

Child Passenger Safety
Child Passenger Safety is a large part of CCS since 4 out of 5 car seats are installed incorrectly - regardless of parent’s age, education or income. To help ensure your child's safety while traveling by car, we host free 1-on-1 appointments at our office as well as community checks at area car dealerships. Seats are assessed for age, proper fit of your child in the seat, proper fit of the seat in the vehicle, recalls, and structural integrity.

CPR Certification
(Adult, infant, AED, & First Aid)
This class teaches life-saving techniques: the Heimlich maneuver and infant to adult CPR. In class, you'll learn the proper techniques for breathing, chest thrusts, back blows, and more. The other advantage of taking a class? You'll get experience practicing these emergency techniques — and studies have shown that the more people practice, the more confident they are in a true emergency.

Safe Sitter
Many youth are staying home alone or home with younger siblings while parents are at work. This comes with the responsibility of being safe at home, cooking safe meals, practicing safe online behaviors and being prepared in case they are faced with an emergency. Is your child ready to stay home alone, watch younger brothers and sisters while you’re away from the house, or babysit for younger children? Then maybe it’s time for Safe Sitter. Perfect for ages 10+.

Baby Bootcamp
Bringing baby home can be stressful. This class is designed for expectant parents or those of newborn babies. How do you install a car seat, how should baby sleep, where should baby sleep? Where is the safest place to give a bath, change a diaper. We'll cover these and so much more!

Safe Routes to School
The Center for Childhood Safety sponsors “Winners Wear Helmets,” a classroom instruction and interactive field trip event that benefits Green Bay’s at-risk schools. At this event, students are fitted for their own bicycle helmets and complete bicycle safety courses. Over the past 20 years, this event has put helmets on the heads of over 15,000 children.

Teen Driving
Reckless and distracted driving is the number one killer of teens. This class will provide real stories that connect with teens, empowering them with evidence-based strategies to keep themselves and others safe. We deliver statistics and facts about reckless and distracted driving in a creative and effective manner. This class is offered free of charge to teenagers ages 15-17.

Safe Sleep
Our Safe Sleep program ensures that newborns in under-served populations have a place to sleep safely through the distribution of pack-n-plays accompanied by one-on-one safety education. The Safe Sleep program ensures parents aren’t unintentionally harming their children simply due to lack of access of safe sleep infant products.

Field Trips & Group Programming
Choose from one of the four programs to engage your students in hands-on learning. Programs include facilitated activities with a member of our education staff that complement classroom curriculum, supporting Common Core and Wisconsin Model Academic Standards. Check out the programming options to find the trip that's right for you!